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Chain Breaking
The PX Partnership offer a choice of chain breaking solutions to speed up the sales process.
Chain Breaking
As well as traditional part exchange, The PX Partnership also offers chain breaking services to bring together incomplete chains. Whether your purchaser has a buyer who is unable to sell their own home or a link in the chain has broken as one party’s sale has fallen through, we can step in where needed to buy the unsold property and get everyone moving again.
The PX Partnership’s chain breaking service gives you more options if the right part exchange is not possible and enables you to regain control of your sales. Chain breaking is often more affordable and successful as property values are usually lower further down the chain.
Enhanced Chain Breaking
Enhanced chain-breaking offers developers another angle to meet targets or completion deadlines. If you have a complete chain which is progressing well, but it is not able to complete when you need it to, we can help.
The PX Partnership can step in to break the chain and guarantee your desired completion date is achieved. We then inherit the existing string in place, allowing it to run its natural course through to exchange and completion.